I'm Berra Sarı
-- Computer Engineering student
at Marmara University.


  • Çamlıca Doğa High School
  • Marmara University - Computer Science (Bachelor Degree)
  • Istanbul University - Management (Bachelor Degree)


  • Popupsmart - Web Development, SEO (2021-now)


The Tech News web project built with Next.js, Node.js, and MySQL, is a web application that provides up-to-date news articles and information on the latest technology trends. The web application uses a RESTful API to retrieve data from a MySQL database and displays the information on the website in a user-friendly way.

The project's architecture includes a Next.js front-end for the client-side rendering, a Node.js server for the REST API, and a MySQL database to store news articles and other relevant information.


Help Page

Designed with HTML is a web page that provides users with information and guidance on how to use a particular product or service.
The purpose of the page is to assist users in solving common problems and answering frequently asked questions. The page is typically structured in a simple and user-friendly way, with clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points. The use of images and diagrams may also be included to aid in the understanding of the content.



The program is built using Java programming language, which provides a robust and flexible framework for developing enterprise-level software applications.

Users can easily add, edit, or remove items from their inventory, set reorder points, and receive notifications when stock levels are running low. The program also provides reports on inventory levels, sales, and other metrics that help businesses make informed decisions.


Strapi + Next.js Blog

A blog page designed with Next.js and Strapi is a modern, efficient, and user-friendly platform for creating and managing blog content.

Next.js is a React-based web development framework that allows for server-side rendering, which can improve the performance and SEO of a website. Strapi, on the other hand, is an open-source headless CMS that provides a flexible content management system for building APIs.


Make Automations

Make provides a simple visual interface where users can drag and drop different blocks to create workflows, which can then be triggered manually or automatically based on various conditions. Users can connect different apps and services to Make, such as Gmail, Trello, Slack, and many others, and use them to perform various actions, such as sending emails, creating tasks, posting messages, and more.

In that example there is a Google Sheet , Open AI, Abyssale, Twitter scenario for creating tweet and image text about chosen sheet row and tweet it.

© Copyright Berra Sarı 2023